We provide a variety of pharmacy services for inpatients and outpatients.
Pharmacists are directly involved on the wards with the health care teams. They provide information to doctors and nurses on drug therapy during rounds, and meet with patients and their families to take medication histories and provide teaching on discharge medications.
The Pharmacy Department distributes all medications to the inpatient population through a variety of systems which include state-of-the-art technology and automation to ensure the highest level of patient safety.
Intravenous medications, including those used for treatment of cancer, and specialized feeding solution doses are prepared in a clean room that meets the highest environmental and quality standards. Staff working in this area receives specialized training in aseptic techniques.
The Pharmacy Department works collaboratively with UBC to support pharmacy, nursing and physician student teaching both on site and at the university. The department is also significantly involved with postgraduate pharmacy training and ongoing education for pharmacists, nurses and physicians.
Staff members are involved in many research initiatives both as independent practitioners and in collaboration with physician researchers.
The ambulatory care pharmacy provides prescription services for all discharged and clinic patients. This pharmacy fills prescriptions for many specialised therapies not routinely available in the community in addition to the more common therapies. Prescriptions are processed through Pharmanet in the same way as a community pharmacy.

The Department of Pharmacy is a clinical department with major teaching, medication distribution and research functions. We provide a full range of inpatient and ambulatory (outpatient) pharmacy services.
Our main goal is to promote patient risk reduction through the safe, effective and economical use of drugs.